Mist Water

Mist Water: the brand that brings you touchscreen machine that dispenses flavoured electrolyte water with ultra low calories, perfect for gyms and office environments. Drinking electrolyte water prevents dehydration and keeps the body hydrated so I developed a graphic to reflect that.
 Graphics were needed for the screens as well as the sides and front of the machine (https://www.mistwater.co.uk/).
First of all, the logo had a few small design improvements. On the left (below) is the original and the right, the revised logo. A few tweaks like lining up the edge of "mist" and "water" on both sides and making the central dividing line full width made the branding bolder.
Flavours include grapefruit, elderflower, lemon, orange, multi-fruit and mexican fig. Because of the nature of the product, each flavour needed its own identity for a clear and memorable user experience. Each flavour also has its own primary colour; representative of both the colour and flavour of the drink. 
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